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World abundant Jin Duyao industry Limited co***ny

Company Profile
The world abundant gold all medicine group is take modern high tech asa forerunner, take develops, in the development, the production thewestern medicine, the healthy product as the main item, the collectionbranch labor trade is a body stock-co***ny type enterprise groupco***ny. The co***ny in domestic and foreign is equipped with foursubsidiary co***nies, a scientific research institute, a tradit

Contact Us
Company: World abundant Jin Duyao industry Limited co***ny
Contact: Mr. shibo jindu
Address: 北京市宣武区右内大街72号万博苑2-604
Postcode: 255000
Tel: 86 133 2160681
Fax: 86 133 66771255

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Tel : 86 133 2160681 Fax : 86 133 66771255
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